Monday, September 24, 2007

Welcome to Life with Karson

Almost three weeks ago we welcomed our beautiful baby boy Karson Daniel. He came into the world on Sept. 5th at 6:38 pm weighing 9 lbs 2.8 ounces and was 22 inches long. It was brought to my attention by his Great Aunt Marylin that blogging would be the perfect way for everyone to keep up to date with all things Karson. So here we are.

Things are starting to settle down and we are falling into a routine. The first week was more difficult than I thought it would be. Breastfeeding did not come as naturally as I had anticipated. The first few days home from the hospital I was ready to give up and go buy formula. I was hand expressing my milk and feeding Karson with a dental syringe while he sucked on my finger. It worked, but was not how I wanted to continue to feed him. We got a pump and decided to bottle feed Karson pumped breast milk. That was the plan when I went back to work anyway.

Our sleep situation is less than ideal right now. Karson sleeps in bed with Dustin and I. He doesn't like his bassinet and we haven't set the crib up yet because we are still painting his room. We are hoping (fingers crossed) that he will like his crib and sleep in it. I don't mind Karson in our bed right now, but would like to break the habit now so we don't have a five-year-old that thinks he has to sleep with Mom and Dad.

Dustin didn't like going back to work. He misses his little buddy when he is gone. He is jealous that I get to hold him all day while he works. He calls to check in through out the day and loves to hold Karson when he gets home.

I am enjoying being a mom. Now that I am getting used to life with Karson I can't imagine living without him.

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